
Gemel Joseph, PhD is a technical specialist with the firm, specializing in preparing and prosecuting patent applications both in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions.  She has extensive technical expertise in the life sciences, including molecular and cellular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and pharmaceutical sciences.

Dr. Joseph earned a Ph.D. in biology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where she characterized the roles that sodium transporters play in the adaptation, virulence, and infection of the opportunistic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogen. She received a B.S. in biology from the University of the Virgin Islands, where her undergraduate research related to DNA extraction methods from species of white mangroves.

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Medler Ferro Woodhouse & Mills PLLC
8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1060
McLean, VA 22102

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tel: (703) 712-8531
fax: (703) 712-8525